Frequently Asked Questions

Can this program be offered virtually?

Not currently. The experience of creating a safe environment and positive connections is essential for the program.
Virtual and self-directed options are coming in 2023.

Do I need to bring my own yoga mat?

You can choose to bring your own yoga mat and other props; however, there will be supplies to utilize on site. 

What should I wear?

Wear comfortable clothing like sweatpants, leggings, t-shirts, tank tops, and cozy socks. Avoid restrictive clothing like jeans or button downs, hoodies, or anything with knots or buckles. 

Do you have to practice yoga to take this program?

Not at all. This program is designed to be supportive of all bodies and movement abilities. You will be supported through learning the principles of yin yoga, and offered modifications and alternative pose options to suit your comfort.

Do my partner and I need to attend all 8 sessions? What is the commitment?

It is recommended to attend all sessions together as each one builds upon the other. Scheduling the sessions will be dependent upon the partners and the practitioner availability.

What makes this different than attending a yoga class at a studio?

By all means, attend studio yoga classes too! The YINTIMACY Program is unique because you and your partner are being guided by the same practitioner each time, who is trained in yoga and educated in social work, individual and couples counselling, trauma, and crisis intervention. Your experience includes the yoga component and a registered social worker in good standing with regulatory bodies which provides the alternative way of healing relationships and deepening connections. You are accessing a whole approach to healing and wellness, mind, body, heart, and relationship.

Do we have to do couples counselling as well?

No. Couples can choose to access counselling in addition to the YINTIMACY Program or simply do one or the other.

Some of the poses include touch; what does that mean?

The partner poses may include opportunities for a couple to be close or to hold your partner while they are in a yin pose. The touches are intended to be comforting, consensual, and supportive. For example, Partner A may be settling into Child’s Pose while Partner B gently rests their hands on Partner A’s lower back. Partner A can verbalize if this feels okay, if the touch needs to be adjusted, or if touch is not wanted.
Through communication and informed consent, you may be offered modifications that include touch. This will always be asked and explained prior to and can be declined at any point in time.
DISCLAIMER: The YINTIMACY Program promotes healthy relationships and intimate connections; however, does not provide space for sexualized or intimate connections to occur during sessions. The program focuses solely on the practice of supportive yin yoga poses for individuals and partners.

Do we need to talk about our problems?

Not during the YINTIMACY Program. This is different from traditional talk therapy where instead of utilizing the time to share verbally, we utilize the time to drop into our bodies, practicing the three principles of Yin Yoga which directly translate to developing relationship wellness and intimate connections. You are welcome to discuss what you notice occurring and how the sessions are for you with your partner, friend, or counsellor. Booking couples sessions is another option for reflection and processing.

What does it mean to ‘hold space’ for someone?

Holding space for another person means we are truly able to hear their story without taking on their emotions and struggles. We remain solid and supportive, leaving the urge to fix or change their experience aside. We are physically (body), emotionally (heart), and mentally (mind) present for another person.

Ready to book your session with Heather? book online now.