Common issues within relationships can include communication, shame, fear of judgement, sexual intimacy issues, anger/frustration, stress, financial worries, parenting struggles, consistent disagreements, and trust concerns. Working through these issues can be challenging and the hope with engaging in the YINTIMACY Program with your partner is to learn skills on how to effectively hold space for each other during difficult or emotional times. This program was designed to provide space to grow, heal, and better understand ourselves, our partners, and our relationships.
Applying the theory of the Window of Tolerance (also known as the Window of Presence) to this healing journey is helpful because when couples experience distress, they are often outside of their own windows. Our Windows of Presence are where we feel grounded, mindful, and able to cope well. When we move outside of our windows, we are either hyper-aroused (i.e.: overwhelmed, angry, chaotic) or hypo-aroused (i.e.: depressed, isolated, or shut down). The YINTIMACY Program incorporates identifying what each individual requires to move into their Windows of Tolerance, understanding that their partner’s needs may look different, respecting those differences, and then working towards balancing their Relationship Window of Presence.